Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mel Needs Help

Gibson’s Drunken Diatribe Makes Life Hell For Australian Jew

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 LOS ANGELES (Wireless Flash) – Mel Gibson’s recent drunken diatribe against Jews is having a negative effect on the social life of an Australian Jew who lives in Los Angeles. Luke Ford, an entertainment journalist and convert to orthodox Judaism, admits that ever since word of Gibson's anti-Semitic comments leaked out, he's had to deal with friends telling him that "all Aussies are ignorant ex- convicts."
It doesn't help Ford that Gibson's comments aren't a one-time thing. He says he has friends who worked on "Braveheart" who tell him that the director went off a tirade against the Jews while on set.
Despite the furor over Gibson's comments, Ford doubts that it will affect the actor's standing in Hollywood because, as he puts it, "Most Jews in Hollywood are not at all religious and tend to worship the God of money rather than the one in "The Bible.""
Although Ford is having to shoulder abuse because of the antics of his fellow Aussie, he has nothing to say to the actor. In his words, "What do you say to an alcoholic who falls off the wagon? You really can't until they choose to help themselves."
JMT writes:
Forget about stupid radio interviews - this is something you should be trying to cash in on. Gibson has made some kind of hazy, insincere plea for help/forgiveness/acceptance/whatever from jews. As a converted jew, a reformed Australian, and a recovering alcoholic (you can fake that last part, right?), you're exactly what Gibson needs right now to show the world that he's serious about pretending to not want to be a mean-drunk jew hater. Contact his people and advise them of your willingness to be put on the company payroll, and your availability to be photographed meeting with Mr. Gibson and to be interviewed by the media with regard to the tremendous "growth" and "healing" you've personally witnessed. Show them your "A Current Affair" reel so that they know you can handle yourself on TV.
Know this: whatever money you would need to justify whoring yourself out like this is probably less than what the kid who runs the copy machine in Gibson's production company is making. So act now, and be driving a decent car by the end of the month.

1 comment:


also, there are people in LA whose kids went to school with Mel's kids and they have posted comments online that say that even Mel's kids would make antisemitic comments to their kids at school. it's in the family, from Dad to Mel to the kids now. maybe wife too. MEl's antisem sem mirrors the sickenss of the USA, because 80% of Americans agree with Mel. In every Christian country, antisem will always exist. IT is a Chrsitian illness, not a global or cultural one. It stems directly from Xianity and only when Xianity is Deleted from human conciousness wil antisemitism disappear. Poor Mel Gibson, imagine what is inside his sick sick mind. Mush.