Friday, December 03, 2010

Joseph & His Brothers

Luke Ford writes:

I discuss the parsha with Rabbi Rabbs Mondays at 7pm PST on my live cam.

I put together these challenges for Rabbi Rabbs:

I took a cold shower before the show, as I do every week, and it brought me out of my post-surgery slump.

Rabbi Hershel Rabbs Remer: TONIGHT’S SHOW features a full line-up of topics, including: Lusting after Persian chicks, trashing shrinks and socialized health care, answering your questions from last week’s chat room, and time permitting, discussing Chanukah and cluing Luke Ford in on this week’s parshah.

My nephew Jacob Kleidman rocks, and because of his amazing generosity, after his penniless uncle’s router died last night cutting Rabbi Rabbs off permanently from the Internet, as soon as Yaacov’s red eye flight landed this morning, he bought a brand new router and paid to have it shipped overnight.

Parashat Miketz (Genesis 41:1-44:17):

Joseph goes from interpreting the dream for pharoah to giving advice. This from a guy fresh out of prison. It takes a lot of self-confidence. Jews do not generally lack for confidence.

Joseph interpreting dreams sounds like modern psycho-therapy. Today we turn to shrinks to interpret our dreams.

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