Sunday, July 11, 2010

Welcoming Gays Into Your Home

Luke Ford writes:  A Christian man phones Dennis Prager’s radio show July 11, 2008: “I am a stay at home father. I have three young girls I stay home with. My wife has developed several friendships at work with individuals who are homosexual. I am concerned about inviting these friends into my home because of the example they might set for my children.”

Dennis: “You don’t have to worry. Unless they are exhibiting publicly erotic affection, I see zero issue. There is no reason for the kids not to see that. I’ll only be curious at a later age when they should be aware that such people exist and can be wonderful people. I see zero problem. In our extended family, we have a wonderful lesbian couple and they come over as often as possible.”

Father: “It may interfere with teaching my children that we disaprove of that lifestyle.”

Dennis: “The issue isn’t lifestyle, it’s specific acts. The children are not aware of a lifestyle, they are aware of two friends of the same sex coming over.”


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